Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I never imagined that it could become like this, but it did. At first, I just wanted us to be friends, but I made a mistake. That was the best mistake I ever made in my life because that mistake made me fall for you. I will never regret that mistake because that mistake made me very happy. Happy because I fell for you and happy because the feelings were mutual and that I wasn't in some self delusion. I guess it was pretty much stupid of me to have posted up the previous post because what happened in the past, shouldn't have to reappear in the present.

I was wrong to have said I still love her a lot because I know that that statement is not true at all. It was more of a spur of the moment thing. You know how this things happen right?

So I just wanna apologize and hope you feel better after reading this post because I just can't stand when you're giving me the shoulder. It makes me feel soo guilty. I know I should be feeling guilty because what I did was very very stupid.

I swear I won;t do it again because all that matters to me now is you. No one else even comes close. I swear this upon my heart and soul.

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