Sunday, August 03, 2008

Questions and Answers.

Is it me or is it the world that's getting colder and colder?
Is it me or is it the world that is breaking down?

Questions usually begets answers. But are answers what we truly need now? Or is it time for us to accept that not everything has answers? People say that you should treasure your life because you never know when you will die. But by treasuring, do they mean trying to have a safe and secure life? Are we truly living when we're all safe and tucked away into our comfortable zone? Or are we trying to escape the harsh cruelty of our world, where we would not even think twice to doing something which goes against our social norms? I do not know yet the answer to that question. I am still a young confused teenager who knows nothing of and about life.

There are often points in our life where we begin to question ourselves. Who exactly are we, why are here and for what purpose should we still continue living? I have yet to find the purpose in my life. I feel like my life has been in a constant, perpetual deja vu where everything happens over and over again. Not knowing when exactly this cycle will stop.

I guess the answer to all those question lie deep within the subconscious of our minds, where we normal humans are not able to comprehend for we have been too preoccupied with the materiality of this world. Where things matter more than people. Where value is placed on money instead of human lives. I guess we can never know the answer then can we? It's like we have finally gotten used to the comfort of our life, adapted to the routine of waking up and going about usual stuffs. It feels as if we've given up on something. Something important that all of us should feel guilty about.

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