Monday, June 30, 2008

CosFest VII 2008

It has been a very long time since I went out to with my friends. Felt really nice going out today for a change. I have really been too cooped up at home reading books and of course writing my own.

Anyway, today it was just me, Isk and Amanda. Met up with Isk first at downtown east because there was this cosfest thingy going on and since I have never been to one, thought it would be awesome to try it out. Turns out, I had a really fun time. In case some of you are wondering, cosfest is a convention where people of all ages can choose to come down dressed in their favourite anime/game character's clothes and just have fun talking about their favourite anime/game. It was really fun seeing all these people dressed up in their costumes. Yvonne came by later on when we were relaxing at mcdonald's. I was feeling a bit high and was singing nonsensical stuff in tune(?) with some event which could apparently be something related to a KTV Singing Night. Hahaha. AND, I did it in a japanese accent. Weird SHIT. I KNOW. Ahaha.

Oh yeah, I managed to take a picture with this really cute girl who was dressed in this really cute sailor/school uniform thingy. Super cute. Here's a picture to prove my point.

Cute right? Haha. Told you so!

Oh yeah, at the convention, me and Isk saw some really cool stuffs so we kinda 'bought' a lot of it and we were happily splitting up our spoils later on when the convention ended.

In case some of you were wondering why I haven't been updating much, truth is, I have been very busy rehearsing for my next performance which falls in august so you guys better come down and watch it alright?

OH SHIT! That reminds me, I gotta go memorise my lines.

Till next time then, cheerios!

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